Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all you daddies and budding daddies out there!

I suppose I should have posted this earlier, but my 3rd warrior has been 80 for a full week now, and has already been sufficiently geared up from heroics (and Naxx10 to a certain extent) :)
For some reason, B has recently taken to taken to asking me to tank for heroic achievements, something I swore I would never do again after my first warrior, H, completed all of them and gotten her Red Proto-Drake. Looking through all my toons, I realised that most of them have had more than half of the heroic achievements done, and my third warrior, S, has had, as of this moment, 38/51 of them complete. I must say that the prospect of a second Red Proto is quite appealing...

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