Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Quick bites

Things you probably never knew about a warrior in Wrath:

1) Avoidance stats now are subject to diminishing returns (DR)
2) 4.9185 Defense Rating = 1 Defense at level 80
3) 39.348 Dodge Rating = 1% Dodge chance at level 80 (pre-DR)
4) 49.185 Parry Rating = 1% Parry chance at level 80 (pre-DR)
5) 16.395 Block Rating = 1% Block chance at level 80 and is not subject to DR
6) 32.79 Hit Rating = 1% Melee Hit chance at level 80
7) 32.79 Expertise Rating = 1 Expertise at level 80
8) Berserker Rage is now usable in all stances
9) Shield Wall and Last Stand are now OFF the global cooldown
10) Almost all of your tanking abilities are now boosted by Attack Power
11) Every point of armour increases your time-to-live (TTL) by exactly the same amount as the previous point, i.e. your TTL-armour graph would be linear
12) Shield Block is now more of an "oh-shit" button
13) Absorbed damage now gives you rage
14) Shockwave and Shield Slam are the best things to ever happen to protection warriors, in that order
15) The recent nerf to Titan's Grip affects warriors who don't have best-in-slot gear the most
16) Armored to the Teeth is a talent every warrior must have, regardless of spec

N.B. Points 1-7, 10, 11, and 13 are not exclusive to warriors

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