Wednesday, June 3, 2009

OK here's what we'll do

Back in TBC, there was one time where I remember PUGging heroic Shattered Halls with a prot warrior, holy pally, hunter, mage, and me on my rogue. If I remember correctly, some of them were friends and for some reason, they were using Ventrilo, although it was quite beyond me to figure out why at first.

Naturally, being the curious sucker person that I am, I joined their chat channel. We clear the entrance hallway and first room without too much trouble, but it went downhill from there but the real fun only started at the first pack of 5 mobs. Listening to their conversation in Vent made me want to kill someone with my bare hands laugh, sigh, and shake my head at the same time. Here's roughly how it went (details are a little fuzzy):

Warrior: OK uh lets see, we have Sap and Sheep. Sap the star, sheep the moon, and I'll pick up the rest.

Pally: We have a hunter that can CC (crowd control) too.

Warrior: Oh right. (changes raid symbols around abit). OK (insert hunter name), you trap the square, we have the rogue sap the star and the mage sheep the moon.

Hunter: No no, don't let me trap that, if it breaks I'll die. Give me a ranged mob.

Mage: Actually it would be more efficient to kill so-and-so mob after the Legionnaire dies.

(After two more minutes of discussion...)

Warrior: OK we'll stick with the original plan.

Mage, Hunter, Pally: What was the original plan again?

At this point I got so bored I had already pickpocketed all 5 mobs and was continuously sapping my assigned mob over and over again. Somehow, we manage to get through the first pack of mobs and get to the second pack, which has 6 mobs now.

Warrior: Lets do it this way...

It went on for another 5-10 minutes, and by this time, it wasn't funny anymore. I bailed out and found something more productive to do went to do dailies.

Lessons we can learn:
1) You're the tank, the group leader. Assert your authority, listen to opinions and be open to ideas, but ignore rubbish. It would have been easier to say: "Here's what we'll do, yada yada yada" and throw any nonsense aside. Saying that takes about a full 10 seconds, maybe 20 to type it out. Was that so hard?
2) Slow pulling is inefficient and makes everyone fall asleep. OK maybe not everyone, maybe just me.

I can't stress point number 1 enough. If you know your job well enough, then by all means go ahead and do it. Of course, there's a fine line between thinking you know what you're doing, and doing it the proper way. Famous last words: "Don't tell me how to tank, u fucking noob."

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