On my old server, we used to have this feral druid. Excitable little SOB guy he was, loved pulling before people were obviously ready, i.e. pulling when 1/3 of the raid was dead, and most of them are healers. This druid also seldom read raid chat, so many a time, we would have something like:
Druid: Pulling.
Raid: Wait. WAIT!! STOP!! xxx ISN'T HERE YET!!!
*The Menagerie is for guests only.*
Raid: Oh shit.
To... minimize this "friendly fire", I never ever put him in a raid leader/main tank position whenever possible.
Unfortunately, this druid also had the nasty habit of rolling on most, if not all, gear that said "cloth" and "leather", which naturally resulted in a lot of misgivings from the officer corps. I mean, come on, do everyone a favour, and don't roll on something you wont use. That poor recruit priest wont ever see any gear upgrades when he's in your raid.
Of course, this little story wouldnt be complete without a mention of -2000 points. -2000 points used to be all that too, with the exception of the lootwhore part. In his defense, he now reads raid chat more and thus causes less wipes and it is easier to get vital information across to him.
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