Sunday, June 28, 2009

Woe betide me

Tried zerging Sarth +3D on late Friday evening/early Saturday morning with me tanking. Almost had him a few times, best attempts were 100k HP remaining, or 3%. A few wipes caused by me, some by others, kinda normal for a learning raid. Called it a day and decided to try another time.

Did Ulduar-10 on Wednesday evening again with me tanking. Wasn't so bad; cleared FLV, Razorscale, XT, Kologarn and Auriaya with a few wipes here and there. Bear in mind this was an impromtu raid with people who have never played with each other before, and with undergeared people and people who have never stepped into Ulduar before.
Continued Ulduar-10 Hodir, Thorim, and Iron Council yesterday evening. To say that it was a fiasco (on my part) was probably an understatement. Some wipes caused by me, some by others; a bit more than I would have expected, but then again its a learning raid for some of us. We ended up calling it at 4am. We started at 10.30pm, and only killed one boss in all that time. Not good. Someone called me a bad tank. Maybe I am, maybe I am.

Note to self 1: Don't ever try to tank when exhausted/sick. Bad for me, bad for everyone.
Note to others 1: Don't ask me to tank when exhausted/sick.
Note to self 2: Never agree to tank when exhausted/sick.
And the list goes on...

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