Thursday, July 16, 2009

0/71/0, or any variation of that... almost certainly a very bad idea, no matter what class or spec you are playing. Whenever I see someone sporting a 0/0/71, I have a strange urge to give them a piece of my mind on why that is such a waste of talent points. Simply put, no matter what role you wish to fulfill, whether it be a normal tank/heal/DPS spec or a gimmick spec, there will always be talents in your main tree that are useless to you, and the talent points spent in those talents would be better served in another tree.

Especially when it comes to warriors, nothing irks me more when I come across such a thing. It only takes mere common sense to understand the futility of a 0/0/71, and apparently common sense is hard to come by nowadays. Of course, there are all sorts of people in this world, and I have seen warriors that included those who:
1) Had Spirit in their gear (post-level 60)
2) Socketed AP instead of Strength (raiding warriors, both before and after the buff to Improved Berserker Stance)
3) DPS'ed in Battle Stance for a Fury spec
4) Socketed Agility
5) Didn't socket their gear at all (plenty of those people of all classes running around, actually)
And I really really felt like bashing hitting some sense into those people. You want to play a class, fine; so learn to play it properly!

In my own words: Warriors are a tough class to learn to play, and even tougher to master.
Challenge yourself today by learning how to play one!

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