Thursday, May 28, 2009

In November of 2008...

...Wrath of the Lich King was launched. Having 5 70-toons then, a warrior, mage, rogue, hunter, druid, I decided to level my warrior first (no surprises there). Having fallen in love with the class ever since I made one and got Charge, and subsequently Whirlwind and Titan's Grip, it seemed the natural thing to do.

Levelling, however, got interrupted halfway by family issues, and by the time that was over, most of my friends were sitting at level 80, while my pathetic warrior (lets call her H, and yes it's a female toon because I can't stand the sight of the male toons) was only sitting at 71 or 72 in Boring Borean Tundra. At that time, Titan's Grip was all the rage, and zzomgIloveTG. Have I mentioned I love TG?

But I digress. After some frantic days playing catch up where I'm sure it must have seemed like H ran about Northrend like a headless chicken, I finally managed to hit 80, get the basic Titansteel tank set crafted, fretted about my lack of defense rating, gemmed, enchanted, fretted some more, went to read some forums, made a few comparisons between blues, fretted some more, I finally deemed H ready to start tanking heroics.

Now as a warrior, I am a tank first and foremost, and I DPS only when there is the luxury. As we all know, all warrior tanks want to DPS and all warrior DPS would never want to tank. I know because I get that feeling plenty of times. Still, being a tank gives me a free rein in controlling the pace of a particular instance, another topic for another time I suppose.

But I digress. H stepped into her first heroic, not at 540 or even 535 defense, but somewhere around 500, mainly because I was still in Sunwell badge gear from level 70. A few crits, some wipes, and a lot of determination later, it was over. H had conquered her first heroic, Utgarde Keep.

As time went on, and I geared with the rest of my friends, things got alot better. The ease with which I was holding the AoE aggro of a mage doing roughly 2k-2.5k DPS while I was still in shitty substandard level 70 gear surprised me, to the point where my friends were all comfortable laying down their AoE spells even before I hit a pack of mobs which made me want to hit them instead, a far cry from the way warrior AoE tanking worked at 70. Back then, if you didn't mark clearly the focus fire targets, or weren't religiously mashing Thunder Clap every 6 seconds, mobs would definitely peel away from you, and that was when Thunder Clap only hit 4 targets and its damage (i.e. aggro) wasn't modified by AP (ahhhhh the pains joys of tanking heroic Shattered Halls).

I got better and better gear, and one of the perks about my role?

Shaman to me (while in Sholazar Basin and mining): OMG you have 28k HP unbuffed!

Me: I take that as a compliment =D

and went on my way. Bear in mind this was still in the early days of WotLK, where even 27k HP was something to gawk at. These days I am hovering around 30k depending on whether I am using my Greatness to tank (yes it makes an absolutely fabulous threat trinket).

In time, I levelled all my other toons, made another warrior, got it to 80, started a Death Knight, got it to 80, decided I was too bored in love with the class, and made a 3rd warrior, who is now 72.

And that is where I stand today.

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